Partner izr. prof. dr. Aleksij Mužina, Associate Professor T: 059 054 255 E:
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In 1997, he graduated “cum laude” from the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana in comparison of legal and economic development indicators for the Mediterranean EU countries and Slovenia. In the same year he passed his professional exam at the Administration Academy in Ljubljana, and in 1999 he passed the bar examination. In 2001, he completed his master’s degree in civil and commercial law on the subject of Legal protection in the public procurement procedures. He acquired his doctor of science title in 2004 with a thesis on Legal nature of the concession relationship.
He was a member of the National Review Commission for Reviewing Public Procurement Procedures since 2001 (and Vice-Chairman since 2003). Before that, he worked as a consultant at the Municipality of Koper, and later on in the economy sector. The National Assembly appointed him as Chairman of the National Review Commission on 15th of July 2004. He stayed in this position until 30 June 2006.
Next to a vast bibliography (personal bibliography) exceeding 290 pieces, particularly from the field of public procurement, concessions and other public finance areas, he often cooperates in various consultations in Slovenia and abroad. In 2003, he received the “Young Lawyer of the Year” award from the Association of Lawyers. In 2004, he was qualified at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana as assistant in the field of administrative law and public administration. In September 2006, the Senate of the University of Primorska nominated him as university teacher, assistant professor in law. Since 2013, he has been member of the Permanent Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia and examiner at national bar exams. He acts as lecturer at professional conferences and at the MLC Management and Law College Ljubljana, and lectures at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana occasionally.
In 2017, he was awarded the »Leading Public Procurement and Concessions Consultant of the Year – Slovenia« (Acquisitoion International awards, 17 May 2017) award.
Practice Areas: - Public Procurement Law - Public - Private Partnership - Concessions - Public Finance - Commercial Law - Constitutional Law - Administrative Law - EU Law - Local Government Law - Criminal Law
Languages: - Italian - English - Croatian - Serbian
Bibliography selection:
- MUŽINA, Aleksij, POHAR, Klemen, REJC, Žiga. Odmerjanje finančnih popravkov evropskih sredstev. Pravna praksa, 19. jan. 2017, leto 36, št. 2, str. 14-16.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij, REJC, Žiga. Pravilo de minimis o spremembah pogodb o izvedbi javnega naročila in koncesijskih pogodb. Pravna praksa, 21. apr. 2017, leto 36, št. 16/17, str. 17-19.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij. Spremembe pogodb o izvedbi javnih naročil med njihovo veljavnostjo. V: Dnevi javnih naročil : "ZJN-3 je v veljavi". Ljubljana: Agencija za management, 2016, str. 153-160.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij. Mogućnost sklapanja izravnih (in-house) ugovora o javnoj nabavi. Bilten javne nabave u Republici Hrvatskoj, 2016, br. 3, str. 37-41.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij, POHAR, Klemen. Upravljanje javnih podjetij lokalnih skupnosti. Pravna praksa, 9. apr. 2015, leto 34, št. 14, str. 9-10.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij. Razjasnitev uporabe notranjih (in-house) razmerij pri izvajanju javnih naročil/koncesij. Pravna praksa, 13. dec. 2012, leto 31, št. 48, str. 21-22.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij. Koncesije gradenj v luči razlage prava EU. Pravna praksa, 26. avg. 2010, leto 29, št. 33, pril. str. II-VI.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij, MARKOVIĆ, Milan. Zaštita prava ponuđača = Protection on bidders` rights. Podgorica: [S. n.], 2008. 175 str.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij, VESEL, Tomaž. Zakon o javnem naročanju (ZJN-2) in Zakon o javnem naročanju na vodnem, energetskem, transportnem področju in področju poštnih storitev (ZJNVETPS): s pojasnili členov, pravom EU in pravno prakso. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Nebra, 2007. 365 str.
- BOHINC, Rado, MUŽINA, Aleksij, TIČAR, Bojan. Zakon o javno-zasebnem partnerstvu (ZJZP) : s pojasnili. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Nebra, 2007. 244 str. ISBN 978-961-91392-5-7.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij. Normative regulation of Public-Private Partnership in Slovenia. Public procurement law review, 2006, št. 2, str. 70-78.
- MUŽINA, Aleksij. Koncesije : pravna ureditev koncesijskih razmerij v Sloveniji in EU. Ljubljana: Primath, 2004. 824 str.